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Terms and Conditions

Banarach Farm Ltd has taken care to ensure that the base information in its Farm Manual is accurate. However, Banarach Farm Ltd’s responsibility for any damage or loss suffered by any person arising from the use of the Farm Manual will at all times be limited to gross negligence and in no case be more than three times the cost paid by the customer for the Farm Manual. Banarach Farm Ltd is the owner of the copyright in this Farm Manual. The copying or offering for sale of copies of this Farm Manual, without the permission of Banarach Farm Ltd, are infringements of Banarach Farm Ltd’s copyright under the Copyright Act 1994. If you infringe Banarach Farm Ltd copyright, you will be liable to pay Banarach Farm Ltd damages and all other costs that arise as a result of your infringement.
Prices may be subject to change without notification. Manual content will be upgraded when necessary and supplied free of charge. The base model includes your first years subscription. There after charged of 125$ + GST per six months. 1 January to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December. Payment is due 20 February and 20 August and will be invoiced. Failure to keep your account current will result in access to your account being frozen.

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