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Updated: Dec 17, 2020

We are really excited to be releasing the Banarach Farm Manual Mark II! This version brings the Farm Manual kit into the new era of communicating with your team via a web app. As with all things new and improved, there is increased functionality and capability of the farm manual which enhances so many of the reasons behind having an operation’s manual.

The New Zealand agriculture sector is about to enter a period of tightening regulation. Our many markets are demanding this, be it local, national or international. It will require Farmers to review their farming system and consider the ethical and sustainable aspects of their production systems. With this chance to review and reflect – an operations manual is the perfect way to demonstrate how and why you practise the way you do. The timing just seemed right to take the Banarach Farm Manual to the next stage in delivering a valuable farm tool to assist in meeting the so many different types of modern farming compliance.

Banarch Farm Manual Mark II

It will be used to post updates on any changes that may be required, handy tips about the farming industry and information on what I am doing with our own manual. I am only 1 – so a Facebook page will create an opportunity for you all to share your experiences and ideas on how you manage your farm operations manual. Make sure you 'Like' our Page to keep up-to-date

Andrea has just completed being part of a preliminary judging team for the Balance Farm Environmental awards. "It is always a privilege to be able to go onto peoples farms and see their business and get to discuss with them the in's and out's of what they do and why they do it." From a personal note Andrea finds it a valuable way to be able to reflect on their own farming and business practices.

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